So it took me this long to finally take the plunge to start my own blog. There were many reasons why I did not begin one much sooner, as I presumed that I did not have the necessary writing proficiency to keep anyone interested for so long. Plus, I do not want to give the impression that I do not have a strong command of the English language. Nevertheless, those were that old days when I had a strong tendency to be a perfectionist in whatever I do and cared everything about what people might perceive of me. Well, I guess I’ve sobered. This is a complete turnaround for me, having ‘grown up’ and knowing that the most important thing is to stay true to one’s self and live life the way I want to and not subject myself to conformity.

As I have always been an avid reader, I enjoy every aspects of literature and had always enjoyed writing. This blog would be an excellent platform for me to nurture and hone my writing skills as well as to express and bring out the creative side in me. Like some famous guy once said, “Let your creativity shine though and never let it be stifled” Hence, I give you TheBQExperiment. Welcome! My personal space in the infinite WorldWide Web for me to experiment, to inform and educate, to nurture and to discover. My objective? To make a difference and I hope to reach out in any way that I can, a vow to help change the world for the better, starting with the change in me, to create a life of meaning, fulfillment, passion and purpose.

There’s one more thing. Some questionable questions I ponder: Who’s gonna read my blog? Will I ever find an audience? Honestly I don’t care if no one ever reads this blog. But to those whom will, I truly hope that you will at least enjoy and be entertained and be informed and be enlightened.
I would love it if you do take some time out of your busy life to come here and hang out with me. Treat TheBQExperiment as a casual space, a teh-tarik mamak stall-like table where you and I can discuss whatever the heck we want to, no holds-bar. And please do share your comments and whatever ramblings you have on your mind.

Last but not least, I thank you in advance for visiting TheBQExperiment. I really do wish you will enjoy the content that I will put out on a regular basis. Lastly, do enjoy life, live life to the max and make the most of it. We only live once!

-BQ []

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”
– Mother Theresa